Organisational Culture

Organisational culture is considered to be one of the most important factors within the organisation, which helps the organisation to enhance their performance. Organisational culture could be identified as the collective effect of the common beliefs, values, behaviors and norms within the organisation (Armstrong, 2009). Similarly, culture also includes organisation’s vision, values, norms, systems, language and habits states (Needle, 2010). Above all definitions, organisation culture is simply the way things are done within the organisation.

Organisational culture would enhance the morale and the motivational level of the employees of the organisations. Further, when the employees are motivated, they will always satisfy their customers by way of offering them a better service (McKay, 2016). Additionally, a strong organisational culture is critical to organisation success. According to Whipple (2009), Organisation’s management is responsible for creating an environment that inspires and encourages employees so that they could feel that their personal motivational processes are supported and appreciated. In addition, leaders could help create positive morale and motivation in their team and in each individual, simply by creating a working culture of trust and affection.

A better understanding of organisational culture would turn the organisation into a team and decide how employees would interact within the organisation.

Consequently, when the employee’s values are corresponds with those of organisation; the employees would tend to react positively to changes in the organisational culture. Cultural changes aggravate emotional reactions thereby; the role the employee plays within the organisation. If the emotions of the employees would be acknowledged and treated with respect, then the employees would become more engaged with the organisational change. They have identified that there would be few of the elements of organisational culture which would influence the emotional responses to the organisational change of employees (Armstrong, 2009).


In concluding the discussion, organisational culture could be identified as a crucial factor within the organisation in order to earn a better competitive advantage. It would help the management to enhance the employee’s motivation and morale which in return, the employee performance would enhance to the top levels.

Importance of organisational culture

Redefined and Importance of Organisational culture

Armstrong, M (2009), ‘Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Practice’ 11th edn., India

McKay, M (2016), ‘Importance of Motivation and Goal Setting for Businesses’ Demand Media, available at viewed on 4th October 2019

Whipple, R (2009), ‘Culture and Motivation Go Hand in Hand’, Leadgrow, available at viewed on 4th October 2019
Needle, D (2010), Business in context: An introduction to Business and Its Environment 5th edn., South Western Cengage.


  1. Culture creates with the beliefs, values, behavior and norms of the group of people. Organizations can perform well when they Identify and understand different cultures to motivate employees. Good one.

  2. Organizational culture would enhance moral and motivation level of the employees in return overall performance which lead to gain competitive advantages over others.Good job

  3. Organizational culture plays such an important role in the success of any business and ensures its members are aligned with the purpose of the organization. This drives the members to perform well, be self-directed, and be loyal to the organization. Hence explanation of organizational culture is well explained in your blog post. Good luck

  4. Organization culture is the way things are done within the organization. As mentioned by Armstrong it’s the collective effort of the common beliefs. Implementing a positive culture will result better output and employee engagement and loyalty towards the organization. Thanks for sharing.


  5. Good job Sanka. Organizational culture helps in enhancing beliefs, values, behavior and norms of the group of people. Organizations will profit when they Identify and understand different cultures to motivate employees.


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